Po' Up... Drank

A Change of Scenery For SipTheMartini.com!

Mischa Martini here.... HEY GUYS!

That was stupid corny or whateva, but gather around anyway. I have an announcement to make.


So after sitting on this website for a while, aka being ghost for the past few months, I took the time to truly reflect on the purpose of SipTheMartini.com and what I really wanted for myself and, of course, the site.

Yeah, I love gossip. Messy gossip. Drama-filled gossip. Scammmmerrr gossip. Allat.

BUT at the end of the day, when I first planned STM, it wasn't supposed to be JUST GOSSIP. Like, believe it or not-- there's more to me than being a sexy gossipin' bartender who knows everybody's business.

So! Starting today, expect a change of scenery around here!

You'll still be getting your dose of celebrity entertainment and gossip... Butttt you'll be getting a little more too :) I'm not telling, 'cause I don't wana ruin the surprise!

But I will tell you, things will be told directly from my perspective now because writing in third person really ain't all that. More opinions, directly from me! An' y'all know how unfiltered I can be at times, buahahaha.

So yeah. To sum things up, SipTheMartini.com is turning towards a more raw and personal direction. And I can't waaaaait bruh! I'll still have a few guest bloggers and writers stop by...But for the most part, it'll be all ME for now.

Hopefully I'll keep you entertained. But if not.... There's always MediaFakeOut :)

Y'all cool with this? Cool... K. I'm about to go f#ck me up some spaghetti.

Take care!


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